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Paris tour


Last blog about travel in Paris.

彼が観光初だったのでオーソドックスにルーブル美術館。We went to Louvre Museum since it was his first time in Paris.

It was sunny so we were lucky! 晴れててよかったー。

いつきてもすごい人。Its always full of people here.

レノアールの作品はいつみても素敵。Lenior works is always nice to see. I like how he uses the color.

ルーブルの一角にベルサイユ宮殿のマリーアントワネット部屋を再現した場所がありました。There was this one spot where they reproduced the Marie Antoinette room.

昔の人が使っていた食器も今と同じでおしゃれー。The tea cups that the people were using at that time is still stylish.

ダヴィンチの有名な岩窟の聖母。これ大学時代に英文の授業でやったのを思い出した。天使ミカエルが右側で左手を指差しているのもなんか意味があったんだけど忘れてしまった。Leonardo Da Vinci's famous artwork The Virgin of the Rocks. I learned this portrait meaning in college but I forgot...there was something to do with the angel on the right hand side holding up his left arm to point to something.

AANNNDD the most famous of all, Mona Lisa. It was interesting because a few weeks before we went to Mauritshuis museum the other day and saw a exhibition of the backside of the famous paintings. The artist replicates exactly how the real backside of the portrait looks like and for Mona Lisa, there is a electric wire and if the frame spaces change even a little bit, an alarm SMS goes to securities and the people who are in charge of this art.


一通り見終わった後にお昼にしました。After we looked through throughly, we went out for lunch.

ランチはLouvre Bouteilleというルーブルからほど近いレストランにしました。

We went to a restaurant near the museum called Louvre Bouteille.


We ordered the beef tartar and 100% beef hamburger. Both were really fresh and tasty.

その後に向かったのはオーランジェリー。モネの睡蓮がどうしてもまたみたくて行きました。After we went to Orlangerie museum to see the Monet water lilies.

ため息がでるほどの美しいギャラリー。目の前のベンチに座ってしばしぼーっと眺めていました。A breathtaking art as always. I sat down on the bench in front of the art and was just glazing it for a few minutes.

あとは定番のエッフェル塔と凱旋門。これはいつも通り人が多かったー。And not to forget about the eiffel tower and art de Pompidou.

For dinner we went out to Monparnasse tower to see the beautiful Paris night scenery.



Paris will always be the gorgeous fantastic city in my heart.

Tot ziens :)

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