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Off to Switzerland!

旅は続きます。 The voyage continues.


After 4 hours of train ride, we came to a town called Interlaken. The lakes colors are BEAUTIFUL!!!


Red and blue trains along the tracks. Really cute but it can also climb up the hills of the Swiss alps.

While walking in Interlaken we saw this Japanese garden. There is a city in Shiga prefecture called Otsu and they have a sister city with Interlaken from 1978. They made this garden in 1995 for a symbol of friendship. Really neat and amazing view to see Japanese garden in Switzerland.


お花も綺麗に咲いていて至る所にスイスの旗が。Lots of flowers blooming and there were lots of Switzerland flag standing in the city.

Little trains that go around the town. 街を回れる観光列車。


Chocolate is one of their popular souvenirs so went to a shop called Schuh. Its one of the oldest chocolate brands over here. They weigh and sell chocolates for you.

We bought the chocolate covered almonds. 記念にアーモンドが入ったチョコを購入。

明日へ続く。We will continue tomorrow....

Tot ziens :)

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