Continue of Switzerland voyage ;)
the hotel we stayed in. The outside was made out of wood with green window panes that blended in nature and the lounge was like the 70s with cute design of couches. I wonder what all the design on the flags meant. Maybe the flags of each of the Switzerland federal government?
After we went out for a walk in the city. Already Christmas? Ornaments were sold in markets.
And of course lots of flowers put put around the hotels, restaurants, shops...
We were lucky to see Matterhorn!! Its so high up....マッターホルンも見えた!!
And since we came to Interlaken we wanted to see the two big lakes from the mountain top so decided to take this train ride. This ride was only for 10 minutes but it took us over $30...amazing how the price is so high here. そしてせっかくなのでインターラーケンの2つの湖を見渡せる山頂まで登ることに。これ10分しか乗らないのに往復3000円ぐらいするというさすがスイスの物価の高さ。
Up to the top! It was sunny so we were able to see the panorama view. On the right side of the picture you can see the place that sticks out of the cliff to see the frightening view...eek. 頂上だー!右側に出っ張っているところから絶景がみえます。
My smile is weird 'cause of fright standing in the edge of the observatory.The wind here is quite strong so its a bit scary.
We were lucky because no one was here to go down the lift. So the whole train was ours LOL The view from the train going down is pretty adventurous too. I have no idea how much steep this hill is.
Tomorrow we will go through the Glacier Express, 8 hour train ride :)
Tot ziens :)
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