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After we left St.Moritz we headed to Zurich.

駅はすごく大きくてポケモン の花吹雪(っていうの?)ステーションが多くてみんなやってました 笑 便乗して私もちょっとやったけどどの国もブームなのね。

The station was really big and there were few pokemon go stops with Iure modules. To be honest, I did it myself too...guess its popular in any country. LOL

おなかがすいていたので彼がさっと調べてくれたハンバーガー屋さんへ。スイスは物価が高いので安めに済ませたい。Holy cowという面白い名前のお店。ハンバーガーはシンプルでIn n'outみたいだった!

We were hungry so my husband looked up a good hamburger shop and we went there. Why is everything SOOO expensive here?!! The shop menu was simple and the taste was like In n'out :) bomb.

街散策再開。旧市街に向かいます。We headed for the old town.


In our way we found a muesli shop! I didn't know what muesli was at this time so didn't buy anything...I should have...


There were steep hills along the way so it might be best to wear a comfortable shoes. Its nice taking pictures of the stairs and all...but when it comes to walking up...yeah...i prefer not.


At the old town there were carpet shops and little nice boutiques with stylish dresses.


There were even a cute teddy bear shop. (the pictures has birds too though) The cafes had red, blue, orange, yellow colourful parasols and tables to match with the buildings.


The next day flight was really early so we decided to stay at the hotel close to the airport. You can see the airplanes flying from the window and a nice sunset view.

次はアテネに飛びます!Next we're flying to Athens!

Tot ziens :)

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