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From the airport, we used the taxi to go to our hotel which was inside the centre Athens. We lined up at the taxi ride and when it was our turn, the driver told us that it was 42 euros. The sign said 38 euros to the centre Athens so we thought to ourselves its weird but he couldn't understand english...well maybe he was pretending to not understand english...anyhow. We found out later that it was 38 euros from the airport to the hotel. I should of told the driver its 38 euros FIRST before we went on the taxi. Any how, be careful for those drivers that try to take money from you!


Moving on to our journey...


We went to the famous Parthenon! The view of the town was like looking at an ancient town...all made of white walls and mountains brownish color...


The temple was unfortunately under construction so the front view was not so nice...but the back side was the way it was. I can't believe that this building was made around 430 B.C. and still has been standing since. A lot of history to this place...and sure was worth visiting.


The picture show the 'Porch of the maidens' with the building column made out of woman shaped statue. This is all replica and all the real ones are in the museums...


The scene was fantastic but with the humidity we went back in a hour. The exit sign is written in Greek. Its unique writing that I would love to learn someday.

夜ご飯は近くのダイニングで。サラダがスキャンピーを使った海鮮サラダ、メインが白身魚を丸ごと1匹焼いて後はいかの唐揚げ、エビ、ムール貝などシンプルな炭火焼でした。味は塩とハーブだけで絶品! ビールも軽くておいしかった。

For dinner we went out to a dining near our hotel. the scampi salad was delicious with green onions inside and for our main dish we ordered the seafood grill. It had sea bass and squid fries, mussels and shrimp. The seasoning was only herbs and salt but it was DELICIOUS!! Not to mention that the Athens beer was also light and good :)


The hotel we stayed at was called 'Acropolis view hotel'. You can literally see the Parthenon from your terrace. AMAZING!


The next day we took the 7:00 plane to Santorini so we had to wake up at 4 in the morning...

Tot ziens :)

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