旅の続きを。Continue of the summer travel.
We took the 7:00 flight to Santorini. It was so early...we had to go to the airport like at 5:00...
But just as we arrived at Fira it was heaven! :) Blue sky and white buildings :)
The hotel was really nice :) the bed cover was cute too.
The restaurant sign was made out of wine. Fira is famous for donkey so it has the picture of the donkey.
ロバタクシーに乗ってみることに。 登りと下りがあるけどそれぞれ10ユーロかかります。下りだったせいかすごく怖かった!!もう乗らなくていいかな・・・
I went on the donkey taxi. It takes 10 euros each to go up and down. BUTTTTTT it was really scary!! maybe it was because i tried to go down..
The ocean was clear and blue :)
After coming down, we went up again with the cable car.
そしてランチ!Salt and Pepperと言うお店が絶品でした。最初に頼んだマッシュルームのソテーがステーキみたいで本当に美味しかった!旅の中で一番美味しかったかも。
We went out for lunch in a restaurant called Salt and Pepper. The mushroom saute we ordered first was like steak and was really good!!! It was the best meal we had in our trip.
Fira town had beautiful scenery of white and blue buildings and the people were really nice and warm hearted.
white houseには白いワンピースやはおりものが売っていて写真映えしそう。ニャンコも悠然と歩いてました。
The white house had lots of dresses and jackets. The cat was walking down the isle as if he was like a human :)
We are going to leave to Ia after this.
Tot ziens :)
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