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国際免許 International license


In Netherlands its convenient to be able to have a car to drive. To get your heavy groceries, just a quick shop on a cold winter day...of course you can use your bike but I guess I'm one of those people who are just lazy. LOL I try to go on the bike once in awhile.


So I thought it would be nice to tell everyone about how to exchange your license.


By the way I have a California license and my husband has a Japanese one so we were able to compare both countries. (well for the US at least in Cali)

アメリカ(といってもカリフォルニア)は一度免許切り替えをおこなったら原本を返してくれません。がーん。Exchangeなので交換みたいです。アメリカ大使館に問い合わせをしたらDMVに聞いてくれと言われたので問い合わせたところ、やはりアメリカに戻った際にroad test, written testをもう一度やり直す必要があるとのこと。めんどくさすぎる。その点日本は政府の方針できちんと日本大使館から返却してくれます。なぜ…アメリカ…。

So for California license, they literally exchange the license so they do not give it back to you. I asked the US embassy and they told me to contact the DMV so when I did, they responded me back saying that I have to retake the written and the road test...OMG. For the Japanese one, luckily the Japanese embassy gives you it back. WHY AMERICA!!!


I'm going back to the US to see my family in december and I REAALLY NEEDED MY LICENSE. SO thinking about it for a while it clicked in my mind to get an international license. what a smart way!

オランダのHPを見るもオランダ語で若干苦戦。ということで電話の方が早いので電話しました。するとANWBに行けばすぐにできるとのこと。パスポート写真(3cm x 4cm) と必要書類に記入すればできるそう。ちなみに電話口でANWBがアーエンベーベーと言われてなんのことかわからず。エーエンダブリューベーといってくれ!オランダ語でWがベーの発音なのでわからないのなんの。苦戦しました。

So looking though the Dutch HP was a pain so decided to call them. They were really nice telling me that we can get it a ANWB. You only have to bring your Dutch licence and passport picture (3m x 4cm) and fill out a form and you're ready to go. By the way, I couldn't understand the ANWB since they say 'A' as the British english 'A' and 'W' as 'B' sound....yeah had a hard time figuring out that word.

ANWBはいたるところにありますが一番近かったのはフェーンセントラル。窓口に行ったら3分でやってくれました 笑 日本の免許センターと大違い。並んでもいないしガラガラで手書きでささーっとやってくれる。日本が堅すぎるのよね。料金は1人€18.95なのでまあ手頃。

Theres lots of ANWB but I went to the one in Amstelveen Centrum. They did it in 3 minutes. LOL Literally no one was there and I just had to fill in the form and pay the money. It was €18.95. Not so expensive.


But you have to be careful about misprinting the documents. It really happens often here. And of course, this time they made a mistake on my husband's birth date...and so I had to go back to get it fixed. Double checking at that moment is better!


It was quite long only with words but thats how you get your license :)

Tot ziens :)

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