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Andalucía Sunflower ヒマワリ畑

Theres a lot of blog about the sunflowers in Andalusia but I wanted to write my tips to find them :)


First of all, the sunflowers in Andalusia are not for tourist but to take the oil out of the flowers. It like the tulips in amsterdam.


Thats why you never know every year if they would have it in the same week as last year or not.


When I went this year, it was extremely hot already in the early June (June 9-14) so most of the sunflowers were already dead.


We used our google map to find the fields. Its usually spread across in the road from Seville to Cordoba. The street names are highway A-4 and the smaller ones are A-8025 or SE-3105. BUTTT you have to hunt it yourself since it changes every year.


Another way is to change the google map to satellite mode and see where all the fields are. BUT in some areas they grow olives so you can mistaken by them too.


When taking pictures, the fields are usually flat so its hard to take one that looks like the field is as far as you can see. It might be better if you have a selfie stick or you go on top of your car.


When we parked our car, there was a rabbit! Pretty big. It ran away when our eyes met. LOL 車止めたらうさぎがおった。目があったら逃げていった。

Finding the best place is pretty hard. We searched for half a day and was able to get these shots. I recommend you to go look for it first thing in the morning since when it gets hot around lunch time, the flowers tilt their heads. Good luck!

半日回って結構見つけることができたので根気が必要かも。あと朝一に行くことをお勧めします!昼すぎになると暑すぎてお花もしょぼんとなっちゃいます。Good luck :)

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