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Pink Pop

A little while ago we went to pinkpop event in southern holland, near maastricht. It is said to be one of the largest music events in the netherlands. Every year famous artists come to sing.


This year top artist was justin bieber....but for me it was green day and sum41.

今年の目玉はなんといってもjustin bieber. 私はどっちかっていうとgreen dayとsum41.

The event is for 3 days from Saturday to Monday. Udually people put up their tents at the camping area and go to the main stage to listen to music.


So I would like to write how the event was and the tips to have a smooth camping.


First about the camping entrance. If you park at a faaaarrr place like we did, you would end up walking nearly a hour to the camping site. Every year theyou change the opening of the camping sites which is not good and you have to wait in a loonnnnggg line just to get into the camping site. It's because they are checking your bags for security reasons and they only have like 10 people who does this. It made us want to scream when we saw that line. Luckily they opened another entrance so we were able to go in in less than 30 minutes. But I suggest you to bring a trolley because even if we did,our things were heavy like crazy!

まずは入口について。もしキャンプサイトから遠い所にとめてしまうと悲惨な事になります。私たちも事前に調べてこのパーキングがキャンプ場から近い!といって向かったのですが、場所に近づくとあまり誘導サインはなく、結構車を停めるのに苦戦しました。初日の朝早くでしたが、あまり車がいなかったのは遠いとこに停めたからだったのかも? ただ運営側も結構適当でキャンプ場の入口を一部開けてなかったりと人がごった返して長蛇の列が。それもそのはず、荷物チェックの人が10人もいなかったので。1時間近く重い荷物を持って山の中を歩いたのでその列をみたときは絶望 笑 ぜひそうならないように台車などもっていくことをおすすめします。私たちも小さい台車はあったものの、大変でした。

The picture is our goods that we brought. All the camping goods, water, chairs and food was pretty heavy to bring! You can buy your food inside the camping sites but its a bit expensive.


The main area to hear all the music. There were several stages near by but they put music blockers around each site so the sound does not mix with each other.


The main stage in the left and the sub stage on the right. On the other side there are lots of shops where you can buy food. To buy the food, you have to buy a token and its sold anywhere in the facility. One thing that I really liked was that the water was free! They had a big set of booth with free water to give out.


The main stage was really big but I was able to squeeze in front to see the artists pretty close by.


There were families with small children so its a good experience that you can put in in one of your summer plans :)


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