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If you're in Europe, its a good experience to see the local soccer league home games when you are there.


I'm not a big fan of soccer but I thought it would be nice to go to the stadium so decided to take a ticket.


You could buy the ticket at the site here. Its in Dutch but its not so hard to you can find your way through the website by looking up for dates, seats and the prices.

ここのサイトから買うことができます。 オランダ語ですが、チケットの日にち、金額、席の場所などは簡単に操作できるのでわりかし簡単に買えます。

This match was with FC Twente in the Netherlands. The place was in Ziggo Dome.

この時の試合はFC Twente とのマッチ。オランダのチームでジゴドームで行われました。

We took the seat in the middle and it was high up in the stadium but it was like watching the soccer game on TV just live and more enthusiasm. The men in back of us were screaming Jammer!


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